He Has Name
Lois McQuinn-One of the Hidden Ones
The pain
I had no real right to it…
not like the others…
who could compare?
I had survived,
I was ashamed
Only in my continued perfection was their love given…
Only in the hiding was this tortured life preserved…
Be quiet, hush, hush, say nothing
Push way the hand
Push away the finger
The shale is abundant,
it is slippery
it is wet
it is deep grey.
Lost in the sea of ten thousand lies
I see no green
I see no blue
I hear no song
Just dullness,
just the gripping ache,
the constant pain…
no release,
just the pressure…
more pressure…
heaped on pressure…
hush, hush,
just keep silent,
don’t say anything.
Drink till the pain leaves
Drink for the courage
Drink to forget
Drink till you bleed, within
No hope in religion
No hope in the ritual
No hope in the shame
No hope in the pain
The pain is too deep
Who can speak?
The unspoken words keep pushing…pushing through the hidden
shame, pushing through the lies, the dark clouds gather, the storm is near.
But who will live?
The storm will come…who can stop it?
hot… scalding tears water the ground…
the ground, so dark… so cold…
the shale cuts…
it bruises,
it wounds,
I bleed,
the tears rain down…
hard driving rain,
blood vessels burst,
the eyes are dark and purple…
the lightening burns,
the thunder deafens…
the storm has come.
Cover the ears,
shake the head,
rocking, rocking…
the scream of the silent,
who will hear?
Stare into the fire,
stare into the light
An unseen breath, made visible by the cold, the temperature
drops, it creeps into the bones…
death has come …
who will live?
But wait…
be silent…
A small voice…
A whisper deep within…
an unspoken prayer…
Truth has come…
he has a name!
The warmth of the fire…
it’s coming…
the great Spirits embrace of gentleness …
of comfort,
the sparks of dry kindling fly upward as another log is
added for warmth
Just be, he whispers…
rest in me.
The Spirit of the great one rushes in…my bruised and
bleeding spirit receives the eternal flame, the fire of His Spirit …
It is healing…
It is restoring…
Oh quiet joy, oh what rest… oh what deep, peaceful rest!
There is courage to sit in the stillness
the shame is gone…
it has been erased…
it is finished…
hidden no more…
the lies have died…
they … and they alone are the only victim of death this
Truth rejoices!
In the peace, acceptance comes…
I am
In the quietness,
hope revives…
I will be
The storm is over…
truth has prevailed…
he has won…
he has a name!
Look up, look up
Be in awe…
The starry sky hears the song in yet another ancient tongue
Can you hear it?
The warm mittened hand joined in mine in the snowy cold
Peace…great peace.
Safe within the lively stones, safe within the walls, safe
within the Spirits embrace, I have family.
I had rowed out far,
far into the deep…
far beyond all others…
but even there…
especially there …
the light of truth was able to reach…truth to deliver…
truth to set free…
truth so powerful…
truth so loving…
he has a name!
The cool water flows,
the waves are so gentle
it flows over the shame,
it flows over the pain,
it flows over the silence.
He lives….
his blood lives…
his blood covers all…
his blood… freely given…
his blood…the Spirits expression of the purest love…
it’s in his name!
The Spirit rejoices.
My spirit now rests…
in completeness…
in newness…
in hope…
not in perfection,
but in wholeness.
Begin again…the white mist is seen, the mist parts… oh life…
oh sweet vision
The Spirit whispers…
Rise up,
Stand on faith,
it is rock hard…
it is solid…
See the hills…
See the valley…
See the faces…
Walk on…
run on faith…
leap for the joy!
I hear it now…
it rises from the valley…
it echos from the hills…
it rings from the mountains…
It rejoices,
it is joyful,
it is free,
it is Hallel,
it is the laughter of the child.
The great Spirit…
the holy one…
has become our salvation …
he has a name!
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