The following is a Specialspace.ca complimentary repost for informational purposes only, all rights held by and for the CDC, https://www.canadapaw.ca/
We Are the 55th Episcopal District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
The Core Values of Canada District Council
The Canada District Council, Inc. shall promote the spread of the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Apostles as declared by the Holy Scriptures.
Spreading the Gospel and Teachings of Jesus Christ & the Apostles
The Canada District Council stands poised for victory with nineteen churches as of April 2021: Fifteen in Ontario, Two in Quebec, One in Alberta and One in New York. We believe that with God as our guide and with a mind to build, the Canada District Council will become a great army for God’s Kingdom in this great Pentecostal Organization.
Bishop Dr. Barrington E. Smith
D.D., M.C.ED, B.SC.
It shall establish such departments and auxiliaries as deemed necessary for the promotion and dissemination of the Word of God in Canada and elsewhere.

It shall have authority to conduct such services, and ceremonies as are in harmony with the Apostles’ teachings for the edification of the membership, evangelization of the unsaved, and commemoration of the ordinances and the confirmation of those for whom Jesus died.

Our Churches
Today, the Canada District Council stands poised for victory with twenty-one churches: three in the province of Quebec, fourteen in Ontario, one in Saskatchewan, two in Alberta, and one in Western New York. We believe that with God as our guide, and with a mind to build, the Canada District Council will become a great army for God’s Kingdom in this great Pentecostal Organization.
Please join us at one of our locations:

Kingdom Life Ministries
Pastor: Bishop Dr. Barrington E. Smith
1166 Cardiff Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario, L5S 1P7
Church: 905-564-5660
Email: info@klife.ca
Website: www.klife.ca

Mt. Calvary Apostolic Church of Ontario
Pastor: District Elder Carl Williams
250 Church Street
Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 1N2
Church: 905-858-4495
Email: mtcalvary250@gmail.com

Eternal Life Apostolic Ministries
Pastor: Samuel Tulloch
1312 Britannia Road East, Unit 4-5
Mississauga Ontario, L4W 1C8
Church: 905-564-2919
Email: contactus.elam@gmail.com

CornerStone House of Refuge Apostolic Church
Pastor: SUFFRAGAN bISHOP Dr. Desmond Hutchinson
1196 Wellington Street W
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 2Z5
Church: 613-725-1432
Email: frontoffice@chorac.ca
Website: www.chorac.ca

Hamilton Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ
Pastor: Elder Timothy E. McPherson
606 Upper James Street
Hamilton, Ontario, L9C 2Y8
Church: 905-561-0913
Email: hamdelchurch@shaw.ca

Lighthouse Healing & Deliverance Ministries
Pastor: Elder Ralston Scully
79 James Street
South Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 2Z2
Email: lighthousehdm@gmail.com
Our Belief
That The Bible is God’s Word to mankind; it teaches how to live righteous and please God.
(II Peter 1:20-21)
That God manifested Himself in flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.
(I Tim. 3:16)
That there is One God and His name is Jesus Christ.
(Deut. 6:4; Eph. 4:4-6)
That all have sinned and that salvation is provided through faith in Jesus Christ.
(Rom. 3:23; Acts 2:37-39)
That Jesus died for the sins of mankind, rose from the dead, and stands as our defender.
(St. John 3:16; Rom. 5:8-11)
That there is a heaven and a hell.
(Amos 9:1-3; Ps. 139:7-10; St. Mark 16:16)
That to enter into heaven, one Must repent of their sins, be baptized in water in Jesus Name for the removal of sins, and receive the infilling of The Holy Ghost with the speaking of tongues
(St. Mark 16:16-18)
That divine healing is available for every soul, through the laying on of hands.
(James 5:14, 15)
That every child of God must conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner.
(Heb. 12:14; I John 1:6-8)
How Our Community Came Together
The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World has been in Ontario since the late 1960’s. However, there was only one Canadian Church in the organization. This church was the Emmanuel Pentecostal Church in Mississauga Pastored by the late District Elder Hubert Mitchell and the late Evangelist Caroline Mitchell. In 1977, October 26-29, The New York State and Ontario District Council for the very first time held its 132nd Council setting outside of the United States. The meeting was held at Alhambra United Church in Toronto, hosted by Elder and Evangelist Mitchell, and Bishop William Crossley of Buffalo, NY was the Diocesan. It was a historical and exiting event.
About 15 years later more churches became affiliated with New York Sate and Canada Council. In early 1992 Suffragan Bishop Edgar Wilson (then Pastor Wilson), desiring an affiliation with an organization of repute and through discussion with Bishop Robert Jones of Syracuse, contacted the PAW New York State Council.
In July 1993 a delegation from CornerStone House of Refuge went down to Binghamton NY to meet with the Diocesan Bishop Charles Davis. As a result a delegation from the New York Council including: District Elder Leon Williams, District Elder Alvin Nelson, and Elder Errol O’Savio met with the members of CornerStone House of Refuge Apostolic Church in Ottawa. The result would be CornerStone House of Refuge Apostolic Church joining the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in August 1993. Through the influence of Suffragan Bishop Wilson, Kingdom Life Ministries also joined the PAW in March 2000.
By the year 2002, there were six Ontario Churches in this council: Emmanuel Pentecostal Church, CornerStone House of Refuge Apostolic Church (August 1993), Eternal Life Apostolic Ministries (August 1995), Kingdom Life Ministries (March 2000), Hamilton Deliverance Church of Jesus Christ (July 2001) and True Light Apostolic Church. As a result in June 2002, the Executive Board of the New York State and Canada Council under the leadership of Bishop Charles Davis passed a resolution to create as District Five the churches within Canada, assigning Suffragan Bishop Carl Lewis as Overseer of the District.
On October 26, 2002 the first District Executive Meeting was held in Hamilton, Ontario. In attendance were Suffragan Bishop Carl Lewis, District Elder Edgar Wilson, District Elder Hubert Mitchell, Pastor Barrington Smith, Pastor George Tulloch, Pastor Timothy McPherson and Pastor Ralph Morris. At this meeting the following officers were appointed for our District; District Elder Wilson, Chairman; Elder Tulloch, Vice-Chairman; Elder Smith, Secretary; and Elder McPherson, Treasurer. The foundation for a Canadian Council was now in place.
In March 2004 at a New York State and Canada District Council Meeting in New York, the Executive Board met and decided to select Suffragan Bishop Carl Lewis as the Council’s recommendation for the future Bishop of Canada. With this new development, a meeting was convened on May 22nd 2004 in Kingston, Ontario with the goal of building a framework for the Canadian Council. In attendance were Pastors, Elders, Ministers, Evangelists and other key members from the churches of our district. This was a very productive and successful meeting. A template was now in place for a PAW Council in Canada.
In the 2007 Summer Convention in Nashville Tennessee, The Executive Board of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World established the Canada District Council as its 55th Episcopal District. Bishop Carl Lewis was consecrated as the first Bishop of Canada in the convention. After many years of waiting and planning, the Canada District Council was a reality. In May 2008 District Elder Wilson was consecrated as the first Suffragan Bishop of this new council.
In August 2008, after a very short tenure, Bishop Lewis left our Council to take over the role of Diocesan of the New York State Council. With Canada in need of a Bishop, Bishop Mark Tolbert was elected and consecrated as the 2nd Bishop of Canada in the 2009 Summer Convention in Atlanta Georgia.
In 2014, after six years serving our Council, Bishop Tolbert returned to his home State to become the Diocesan of the Heart of America Council of Churches. The departure of Bishop Tolbert made room for a resident Bishop in Canada. With unanimous recommendation by the Pastors of our Council, Bishop Barrington Smith was elected and consecrated to the office of a Bishop in August 2015. In October 2015 he was installed as the third Diocesan Bishop of the Canada District Council (Pentecostal Assemblies of the World).
The Canada District Council stands poised for victory with nineteen churches as of April 2021: Fifteen in Ontario, Two in Quebec, One in Alberta and One in New York. We believe that with God as our guide and with a mind to build, the Canada District Council will become a great army for God’s Kingdom in this great Pentecostal Organization.
For more information on the Canadian District Council, please get in touch!
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