From Lois McQuinn – Special Space creator and webhost.
Nov.18th, 2022
Two nights ago I asked the Lord how we as end time saints were to live in this newly emerging society of oppressions and control. I was looking for something specific, and I truly believe this is the answer, it worked well for the early church, the persecuted church and it will serve us well as the endtime church. I am so thankful for Bro. Curtis’ wisdom and ability to hear the voice of the Lord and present it in such a simple manner.
Live As If You’re Free
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free…So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” (John 8:32)
We must CHOOSE freedom because we know the truth God has revealed to us in His Word. If we truly believe that we were united with Christ in baptism as Paul states in Galatians 3:27 then why are we living in slavery to self-doubt and condemnation?
If you are truly free, why are you not embracing that freedom? What are some of the freedoms we should choose to embrace? I want to share some of the freedoms I embraced when I discovered that I am complete in Christ, having put on Christ in baptism.
Before I do, I want to caution you to be on guard against guilt manipulation. Avoid those invasive thoughts and words of people that are intended to manipulate and try to dominate you. In Christ, we are finished with guilt and condemnation. “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)
Recognize when people are attempting to make you feel guilty if you don’t conform to their every demand. Guilt manipulators are highly skilled at targeting areas of your life that you yourself value, then using those very points to make you feel guilty that you’re not measuring up to those values. Don’t allow yourself to be harnessed to their agenda that will only enslave you. Declare your freedom in Christ! Choose freedom in every respect because you are truly free in Christ. Embrace with me today your freedom!
I choose to believe I am really and absolutely, free because Jesus says I am free!
I choose emotional freedom in Christ. My emotions will not rule over me, but I shall rule over them. I will not be held hostage to negative feelings.
I choose to overcome this sin-fallen world knowing I am more than a conqueror through Him who has loved me. (Romans 8:37)
I choose freedom for my physical well-being knowing that Jesus took stripes on His back to provide healing and wholeness for me. (1 Peter 2:24)
I choose freedom from the chains and shackles of negative thinking, negative talking, and mental torment knowing that God has not given me the spirit of fear “but of of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim. 1:17)
I choose to put on the garment of praise instead of heaviness, the oil of joy instead of mourning, beauty instead of ashes, glory instead of shame. (Isaiah 61:3)
I choose to agree with how Jesus sees me. I choose to disagree with my temporary feelings, passing circumstances, and present challenges. I agree with God’s Word and disagree with the fleeting fluctuations of life, knowing God has ordered my steps.
I declare freedom from encumbrances, hindrances, self-condemnation, indecisiveness, and internal conflict. Today, I bury the past and embrace the future. I let go of the old and grasp the new. I move on instead of holding on. I drop my disappointments and pick up my promises
I am truly free because He whom Christ sets free is truly free!!!
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